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Czech Open 2006 - my feelings

09. 11. 2006

Sorry mates that Im late with this article. I was really tired after tournament for a few days and I got a flu and cold. So sorry for my english and let write some words about fantastic action - Czech Open 2006.

Czech Open 2006 will never be forgotten. Forever I think it will be in all czech darts hearts. And now when it is finished I think many of these darts hearts will not be from Czech republic. May be Norwegian, Austrian and many others and of course I can not forget - England.
For this year we made a new record in number of men and women participants. It is fantastic success as same as CzechTV sports channell support. Great teleview was made, hope all of you will see it sometimes.
I would like to thanks a lot to all of you, all players, visitors and others. Hope to see you all next year, because we will make it better.
But, there is one man to which I never can not thank you enough. He gave to our tournament magnificence and improve it to maximum level. As you know this man is Russ Bray. Brilliant MC/referee from PDC nicknamed THE VOICE. Hope all of you enjoyed this voice of darts as me, because I did as much as I could. From a one sign in World Champs to this fantastic action. Still can not believe this luck. Thank so much my friend and also to Neil.

Well well my darts friends. Hope to see soon somewhere in Europe and if not,,,,,see you on Czech Open 2007 in Prague, Czech republic.