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WDF výbory

19. 10. 2007

Nový president WDF Roy Price se snaží zapojit členské země do rozhodovacího procesu WDF. Nabízí tak všem možnost účasti ve výborech, které se budou věnovat jednotlivým oblastem.

Pokud vládnete dobře angličtinou, tak se můžete podílet na změnách.

Hi to everyone,

During the current term of office the WDF Executive intends to take a detailed look at our organisation with the view to improving our efficiency and updating and revising our documentation.

In order to do this we require assistance from our member countries, not only to help with the workload but also to provide new and fresh ideas.

Our first step will be to establish committees to work in the following areas:

Committee 1: WDF Constitution, Byelaws, and General Playing Rules

Committee 2: The WDF World Cup (Playing Rules, Format, Points Allocation)

Committee 3: WDF Ranking System

Committee 4. WDF Anti-Doping Policy

Other committees may be formed later.

In connection with the formation of these committees the WDF Executive would like any person wishing to serve on a committee to make contact as soon as possible. Interested persons are requested to contact the President by email. The email should contain the following information.

1. Your full Name.

2. Your country of residence.

3. The name of the committee you wish to serve on.

4. A short summary of your experience.

All interested persons should have a good command of the English language, written and spoken.

The WDF is also very interested in making contact with persons who have interests or expertise in the following areas:

1. Website design and maintenance.

2. Sponsorship

3. Television

I look forward to hearing from some of you very soon.

Kind Regards

Roy Price

WDF President